Press the "fast forward button"! Kepler's new energy project goes live in MayDuring the epidemic, Quanzhou Kepler Automotive Motor Co., Ltd.,located in the Pu'an High-tech Industrial Park, did not slack on the preventionand control of the epidemic, and pressed the "fast forward button" toresume work and production. Not only did the whole line resume production, butalso added new ones. Industrial projects will be launched soon to promote thesound and rapid development of enterprises. In the production workshop of Quanzhou Kepler Automotive Motor Co.,Ltd., workers are working nervously and orderly. Since most of the employeesare from Quangang, the company has fully resumed work on February 21. Xiao Jiamou, deputy general manager of Quanzhou Kepler AutomotiveElectric Co., Ltd.: "Local employees accounted for more than 90%, so whenwe resumed work on the first day, the resumption rate reached 95%. Theremaining few are from other places. Employees, so we have a certain degree ofguarantee for our output and sales demand when we resume work." To resume work and production, we must adhere to both epidemicprevention and control and safe production. To this end, the company strictlyimplements the “three threes” working mechanism for resuming work andproduction. Regularly check the body temperature of employees every day, andeliminate the environment inside and outside the factory. Su Jianxing, general manager of Quanzhou Kepler Automotive ElectricCo., Ltd.: "The staff in the cafeteria dines, we are off peak (dining),and the off-hours are staggered. According to the meal system, we have drawnthe one-meter noodles for employees to line up. Come in line. When dining, weused to have a table for six people at the same time, but now we change it to(same direction) for two people. (Make good) the ventilation in our cafeteriaand keep the table as far apart as possible." At the same time, the relevant departments of the district go deepinto the enterprise, provide precise service guidance, coordinate and solve thedifficulties that the enterprise has in resuming work and production, andensure the smooth progress of the resumption of work and production. Xiao Jiamou, deputy general manager of Quanzhou Kepler AutomotiveMotor Co., Ltd.: "Some preparatory work before resuming work, includingthe preparation of some materials, and in the case of our lack of materials,the district leaders also actively helped us coordinate similar Masks,disinfectants, and other sterilization materials need to solve our company'sworries, and also provide a strong guarantee for our entire normal resumptionof work." Affected by the epidemic, many companies are facing various problemsin their development. For Kepler, the epidemic is both a challenge and anopportunity. Xiao Jiamou, deputy general manager of Quanzhou Kepler AutomotiveMotor Co., Ltd.: "Seeing the overall trend of the current market, we havea new drive motor project this year, a new energy project, which must belaunched in batches. Under this premise , We are still relatively confident inthe overall prospects of the market."
Accordingto reports, as new projects are in full swing, the company needs moreemployees. XiaoJiamou, Deputy General Manager of Quanzhou Kepler Automotive Electric Co.,Ltd.: "Our main recruitment target is still our front-line assemblyemployees, basically porters and equipment operators. We are also activelycooperating with government departments ( Communication) to help us coordinatethe difficulty of employment. As an internal company, we are also activelyadjusting our salary and benefits." At present, the relevant departments of the district arecoordinating with various parties to help solve the problem of enterpriserecruitment. In line with the principle of "Quangang people are the safestto work in Quangang, and Quangang enterprises have the lowest cost inrecruiting Quangang workers", enterprises will give priority to hiringlocal workers. Contactnumber: 18959817351 Ms. Chen CompanyAddress: No. 20, Yushi Road, Quanzhou Economic and Technological DevelopmentZone, Fujian Province Busroute: take K306/K308/K901 to Qingmeng Science Park Station Companywebsite: Companyemail:
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